Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Plastic Bags

The worst thing about plastic bags is that they are NON-RENEWABLE! If we keep on using plastic bags we waste more and more resources. If only 25% of American families cut down to 10 less plastic bags that would be equivalent to 2.5 BILLION LESS PLASTIC BAGS IN ONE YEAR! That would be an enormous savings and a lot better on the environment. An even better way to help is to buy a large reusable bag to carry groceries.

So next time when your going out grocery shopping remember what the little bit you could do and how huge a difference if could make!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Climate Change

Climate change is real if you think that it isn't. I know, isn't that scary? Every mile you drive just puts that much CO2 into the air, destroying the ozone layer. The ozone goes around the earth. This is a protective layer that secures the earth from the solar winds from the sun and the harmful rays likewise. If we reduce these greenhouse emissions, we may stop this dangerous climate change that has sadly been reducing numbers of polar bears and many other animals. Some are already starting to come up with ideas for the future, but that doesnt mean you shouldn't care. Try some of the activities or challenges listed in past blogs and in some of the links. These can do a great amount to help.

Climate change and global warming is real. Act now!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Endangered Animals

Because of our invasion on wildlife habitats, the world has gone way down hill.

Say that you're on a hill. You suspect that its an easy hill and you can go down pretty easily until you hit a rock (the rock is like our threatening influences on the earth and to the animals). You trip on the rock that you didn't expect and fell on a bug. Not only did you hurt the bug without notice, but gradually you hurt yourself.

Unfortunately, this is what we are doing to the earth. We are hurting animals which is messing up the food chain which eventually hurts us.

Because of our invasion to places such as Hawaii where we first settled in 1843 we brought in alien species (foreign species) into the land. This caused drastic changes to the once tropical Hawaii. Animals such as wild pigs that we brought into the islands killed some of the unique organisms. Even plants such as the banana poka (a common house flower) destroyed plant wildlife by uncontrollably growing immeasurable vines throughout the forests, suffocating plants and blocking the light so that the light cannot reach the other plants.

All because of us coming into places where we shouldn't, where wildlife thrives, more and More animals are becoming endangered and closer to becoming extinct. Thousands of animals are ALREADY endangered. ONLY SO MANY PEOPLE CAN HELP. Give the world a hand. Volunteer and you could even save a whole species with the help of others. Here is a list consisting of few of the many endangered species.

Warbler birds
Wolf spiders
Eagle rays
lots of frogs, river frogs, banana frogs, tree frogs, Hogsback Frog, Rattray's frog
Giant panda, lesser panda, red panda
Chinese alligator
Howling monkeys
Red-bellied Racers
hummingbirds, Mangrove hummingbird
lots of parrots, Red-browed Amazon, Puerto Rican, Hyacinth Macaw
Granular Salamander, Chinese Giant Salamander and others
Antelope Squirrel
Teals (Madagascar, Brown) Ducks (Meller's, Hawaiian)
Tasmanian freshwater limpet
Ecuador Fish-eating rat
Swan Goose
Sacramento Beetle
Sulu Hornbill
Bulmer's Fruit Bat
Brown Kiwi --------------------------------------------------->
Madagascar Heron
Whales (Coalfish, Pollack, Sei, Blue, Finback, Razorback, N. Atlantic Right whale, Humpback)
Deer (Calamanian, Philippine, Bawean)
Namdapha Flying Squirrel
Maned Three-toed Sloth, Pygmy Three-toed Sloth
Longhorn fairy shrimp
Wild Asian Water Buffalo
Cuban Pine Toad
Houston Toad
Bactrian Camel
Ivory Billed Woodpecker
Red Wolf
Ethiopian Wolf ---------------------------------------->
Pondicherry shark
Assam Rabbit
Bornean Bay Cat
Hector's Dolphin, New Zealand Dolphin, White headed Dolphin, Chinese Lake Dolphin, Whitefin Dolphin, Yangze River Dolphin
Green Sea Turtle and many others
Mekong Freshwater Stingray
Splendid Poison Frog
Huon Tree Kangaroo
Mt. Kahuzi Climbing Mouse
Giant Kangaroo Rat
Chinese Dormouse
Asian Elephant
Northern Sealion
Small-toothed Mole
Eastern, Mountain and Western Gorillas
Cape and Knysna seahorses
Various Sturgeons
Northern and Queensland Hairy-nosed Wombats
Pink velvet worm
Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
Biak Tiger, Bonthain Tiger, Timor Yellow Tiger
Dickey's Deer Mouse ---------------------------------------->
Sooty Albatross
Sumatran Orangutan
Large Desert Marsupial Mouse
Galapagos Penguin
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Alpine Wallaby
Madagascar Red Owl
California Channel Island Fox

from wikianswers.com

Monday, January 19, 2009


Here are some extra ways to help the environment in your home/school, etc. JUST CLICK THE LINK http://www.seql.org/100ways.cfm . Remember to buy either an extra coat or blanket and turn the heat down a little. Get some hot chocolate too... even though you're better off without it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

PB & J sandwiches VS. Hamburgers


Say that your having an outdoor picnic on a hot summers day and your family is grilling hamburgers. What would your reaction be? Yes I know that you may be thinking, "Yum, hamburgers" but think again. Hamburgers are actually much more harmful to the environment then PB & J sandwiches.Burgers are bad for the environment because, first off the cows! Cows are really wasteful based on what they give us back. Cows can take up a whole field of grass to give us a few gallons of milk and a couple pounds of meat. Also the water wasted on hamburgers is A LOT. Think of this how much water does it take to feed a cow? Then think of how much water it takes to water tomatoes, pickles, and lettuce for the toppings. The cow alone is a ton of water! So, as you can see, you're better off with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Peanut Butter

I really tasty treaty is just a peanut butter scoop away! For the birds that is!
A nice way to help the birds without spending too much money is to put some seeds and peanut butter some pinecone or even a piece of plastic! You won't guess how many birds you can see!